--------------American School in Japan -----------------ASIJ Teachers' Union---Protecting Our Rights

Examples of Past Practice -- March 2003
Previous Home Page
Letter to Board November 29, 2004
Letter to Board (proposal) May 27, 2004
5th Arbitration --May 20, 2004
4th Arbitration -- April 20, 2004
3rd Arbitration--March 8, 2004
Q & A from March 8 Arbitration
Letter to the Board--January 2004
History of Situation to Board--January 2004
Comments from Former Administrators--posted Jan 2004
Unofficial Viewpoint of the Board--June 2003
Concerns to the Board June 2003
4th DANKO -- Feb 27, 2003
Jan 25 Reply to our questions of Dec 15 -- Updated February 2003
3rd DANKO - November 2002
2nd DANKO--September 2002
1st DANKO-- May 2002
Examples of Past Practice -- March 2003
Our Concerns --May 2002
History of the Situation -- Updated April 2005
Letter of Agreement--April 27, 2005
Letter to Board President, April 2, 2005
Retirement Policies at ASIJ
We Get Letters -- Updated February 2003
Letters written by Union Members -- September 2002
Age Discrimination -- May 2002
FSCC Final Statement on This Issue -- May 2002
Union letter to School -- April 2002
Letters to Faculty/Staff -- April 2002
Letter sent to the Board -- March 2002
Some ASIJ Teacher Statistics (Some 2002 hires not included) -- May 2002
ASIJ Policies with adoption and revision dates -- May 2002
Information About the Union -- May 2002
Laws of Japan -- March 2003


Old Policy:(1964)  -When retirement age in Japan was 55


          IX. Retirement


          Retirement will normally be at the end of the school year in which the teacher reaches the age of 60. During the school year in which the teacher reaches age 59, and thereafter, new contracts will be issued for one year only. By October 1 of the school year in which the teacher reaches age 59, the teacher shall request a waiver by the administration if he/she wishes to continue employment beyond the school year in which he/she reaches age 60. Such waiver shall be requested annually, if continued employment is desired.


Under this policy there has not been anyone who was not rehired SOLELY on the basis of being age 60.



1954-71 Margaret Story left at age 68

In 1975 Warren Munzenmeyer (who was a long-time art teacher) stayed
until 62.  Munzenmeyer Studio named after him.  Worked 26 years

In 1982 Bill Hessenflow stayed until 62 after 10 years
In 1987 Jack Collins was DBA at age 61-62.  He had formerly been HS and Elementary Principal and agreed to fill in for a year.

1988-94 Dot Adamson was hired at 61 and stayed 6 years

1993 Thurman Dennis stayed until 63 (31 years) Dennis Room named
after him

1993 Don Berger stayed until 62 (34 years)

1992 Keith MacPhearson was 65 when hired and stayed 4 years.

1994 Irene Gilman was hired at age 62 (taught 5 years before being not

1985-1993 Bert Kraus hired at 59 and stayed until age 67.


1986-1995 Judith Hunt was almost 62 when she "retired".

1959-1999 Vicky Downs completed her 40 years (which she announced after 30
years) at age 63

1960-2002 Ki Nimori, who was publicly told by Peter Cooper in 2001 that he
could stay as long as he wanted to, retired at age 69

1967-2003+ June Tsurumi, who is purchasing head, head of bookstore, head
of janitors, co-head of Summer Day Camp, etc. continues to work at age 74.

1974- 2003 Vince and Sue Totero continued to head Summer Day Camp with Vince 63 
and Sue 61 years old

Those told in November 2001 that they will no longer be employed after age

Mid Squier (62) 31 years
Noriko Matsumoto (62) approx 15 years
Ron Dirkse (59) 28 years
Bill Jacobsson (59) 27 years
Mike Bjornholm (59) 16 years
John Hohenthaner (59) 12 years
Wally Ingebritson (58) 16 years

Suzanne Hayase (62) 15 years




New Policy: (2002)

                IX.  Retirement

Retirement will be at the end of the contract year in which the teacher/staff member reaches the age of 60. 

Non-Regular Employment Contract

An Administrator, Faculty or Classified Staff member at his or her request, who has reached the age of 60 years prior to August 1st may be rehired through a non-regular employment contract.  An Administrator, Faculty or Classified Staff member employed under these conditions shall be considered as a non-regular employee of the School.

The Terms and conditions of employment for a non-regular staff member shall be set forth as follows:

1. Employment period - one year, August 1 to July 31st.

2. An Administrator, Faculty member or Classified Staff member may request annually the renewal of his/her non-regular contract that ends on the last day of the school year in which he/she reaches the age of 65.

3. Salary will be frozen at step D 5 on the ASIJ salary scale for faculty; at step 5, either scale I or II, on the ASIJ Classified salary scale; and step 5 either scale I or II on the Administrative scale.

4. Retirement benefits will be frozen at 5.27% annual contribution for all employees in this category. [Teacher's own contribution, not the school's]

           5. All other overseas and local hire benefits will be paid in

              accordance with the status of the employee.


New Non-Regular Contract (2003 version)

Finally, the Board approved the recommendation from the Ad Hoc Committee to enhance the financial package for staff on Non-Regular Contracts. The Ad Hoc proposal attempts to bring the total cost of a non-regular contract over a five-year period in line with what it costs the school to bring in a new teacher. Specific elements of the proposal include:


1. Placing teachers with a non-regular contract at step 10.5 [newly created] and keeping them there until age 65 if they choose to remain at the school until that time.

2. Setting the school's retirement contribution at 11%. [INCLUDES the teachers 5.27% contribution]

3. Keeping teachers in their current salary "lane" according to their educational background and allowing them to advance to a higher lane if they earn appropriate credit.

4. Making any changes retroactive to the 2002-2003 school year.

5. Reducing working hours and attendance at professional growth days.[May leave at 3:15--however after school faculty meetings and coaching obligations must be met.  And of course we would stay to work with students.  This clause was not sought by teachers, since it is unprofessional and not in the interests of the students.  But a legal requirement for non-regular contracts is to have some reduction in hours--so this is it.]