These are some of the comments that we have received related to our efforts. We do not publish
these to antagonize the situation, but to give a feeling of broad concern on many aspects. Names have not been included.
February 1: I sure hope you win the battle to continue working ...
January 7, 2003: My feeling is that this is
an issue of ethics that goes above and beyond whatever historical precedents, laws, and traditions might or might not be in
Nov 27: Don't let them do that to you.
Oct 5: They are just trying to scare teachers...and then they deny that they are doing this.
Aug 5: That sounds pretty ridiculous. Can they really do that legally?
July 12: We are truly saddened to hear the trends.
July 9: I support you and the rest of the teachers who have joined the union.
July 9: thanks for the information
June 19: This is crazy
May 29: there's no trust in any Admin goodwill left!!!
May 29: I'm with you all 100%
May 28: Good luck
May 28: You have to join a union and just fight and fight.
May 26: Just to let you know that I support you guys all the way.
May 21: Somehow the Board has to be made aware of the pervasive "fear factor" that is evident in filling out the
administration evaluation forms as well as being able to speak out.
May 18: I have thought that each person should be evaluated based upon their job performance which includes many things.
13: Keep me posted.
May 10: Thanks for the information. I checked out the website and it is nice.
May 10: It
surely must be a real nerve racking situation.
May 9: very helpful to keep the faculty updated
May 9: I do
think the faculty and staff need to be told about the website
May 6: I wish you well in your work with the union.
6: You are the guys who in the end are going to make the great ship ADMIN ASIJ turn a bit
May 3: Boy, they are sure
trying their best to get rid of you guys
May 2: Why do the older teachers get the crappiest deal.
May 2: I hope
that your step of joining the union will at least prompt the Board and Administration to have further discussions with you
and in so doing come to a more just solution.